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Pay it Forward Stories 2022

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Yevgeny Galushkin

Modern Machinery


I have chosen to give my pay it forward card to GOOD SAMARITAN SLAVIC MINISTRY nonprofit organization in Antelope CA who is doing machinery in many countries to helped people. This organization start in 2004 and do ministry in many countries like Ukraine, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama helping poor people single moms and orphan children’s with food supplies, closing, and many other staff for dally needs and in same time they try to help people to recover from drugs and alcohol addiction preach a Gospel in same time. President of Good Samaritan ministry send me a massage and give me a report this money been used for food supply and send in Ukraine for helping people in war zone.

Johnathan Hoover

Montana Resources


I donated the gift card to Emerson Elementary School to help with a program to buy winter coats and clothing for kids that come from situations that make it financially hard to have good winter clothing in the Butte climate.

Paul Lasater

Montana Rail Link


I gave my entire card to The Catholic Diocese of Great Falls/Billings to help support the work that they do.

Joshua Diettert

Montana Rail Link


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I donated to a family with a wonderful little girl named Bella. She was born with 3 diseases. SCID (Severe combined immunodeficiency), Hirschsprung's disease, and CHH( cartilage hair hypoplasia, a form of dwarfism). Bella always has a smile on her face. She is having her 24th surgery this Tuesday. You can follow her journey on Instagram @kylact, Bella Brave.

Havre Trails


Havre Trails, Inc. is a nonprofit organization located in rural Havre, MT, with a mission to promote healthy lifestyles, safety, access to outdoor recreation, and a pride of place by improving the walking and biking trails in Hill County, MT. Havre Trails works hard to build and maintain trails in and around the city of Havre to provide access to nature for all community members and visitors. In addition, Havre Trails hosts a summer hike series each year to encourage people to enjoy nature and participate in healthy activities.

This year, Havre Trails built a new trail in Brough Coulee of Beaver Creek Park, which is the largest county park in the entire U.S. With the Pay It Forward Giving Card, Havre Trails was able to purchase welcome signage and directional signage for the new trail. Signage is incredibly important in helping people to access the trail and provides key safety and educational information for all trail-users.

Havre Trails is very grateful to the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation for their generous support of outdoor recreation and healthy communities in rural Montana through their donation of the Pay It Forward Giving Card. Thank you!

Ronald White

Montana Resources


I gave my Pay It Forward card to my wife's nephew and his wife. They were getting ready to have their baby and I wanted to make sure they had all the essentials. They received a pack n play, swing, backpack, blankets, outfits, pajamas, sleep sacks, diapers, onesies, bibs, car mirrors, rattles, teething rings, etc.

Rob Bias

Modern Machinery


I sent my donation to Pheasants Forever in memory of my father. He was an avid upland bird hunter and supported the organization for most of his adult life. The funds go towards the conservation of upland bird habitat to help ensure future generations will know the simple joy of bird hunting with their fathers.

Nicholas McAtee

Montana Rail Link


I gave the card to a non-profit organization called the Pond Beyond. (In Granite Falls, WA.) They are an outdoor education center. The people who run it are musicians, and work has been very sparse for them since Covid hit the world.

William Newman

Modern Machinery


Safe Families for Children-Eastern Washington:
Safe Families is a movement of compassion aimed at preventing child abuse and returning the church back to the forefront of caring for children and families in crisis. SFFC is all about loving your neighbor, bringing people in crisis out of isolation and into community, and offering biblical hospitality. Over the last 7 months, of the 126 children we served, 100% were safely reunited with their families and were deflected from the state welfare system. These families are now connected to a community they didn’t previously have and it is the mission of SFFC to maintain these relationships in hopes that they are the beginning of something that can change the trajectory of their lives.

Trey Wellenstein

Montana Rail Link


I gave my card to a retired elderly couple having to take in and raise there 2 young great grandchildren.

James Crawford

Montana Rail Link


I donated to the YWCA Crisis Center. They provide temporary housing for people displaced by domestic violence.

Robert Sandoval

Montana Resources


Dear Dennis & Phyllis:

On behalf of AWARE and the people they serve, they sincerely thank you for your generous donation of $500.00 through your Pay it Forward program.

AWARE's mission is to help people lie independent lives. They serve children, adults and families in all 56 counties in Montana. Your pay it Forward funds will provide opportunities for youth and adults living in their residential homes in Missoula and Anaconda to enjoy activities such as attending movies and baseball games this summer, in addition supplies for activities at the homes. Your support and advocacy make a impact and enhance their efforts to help people live independent lives. Your generosity and kindness are truly appreciated.

William Maus

Washington Corporations


The McDermott family, Vern and Rena, have had a few hard years. In December 2020 they lost their daughter to cancer. They were just getting back on their feet when in October 2021 Vern had a stroke. He was a bus driver for the Superior School District and Rena has her own cleaning business. Vern has not been able to return to his job, and Rena has had to take off lots of time while caring for him. The money from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation helped them tremendously in a time of great need.

Tammy Mocabee

Montana Rail Link


I gave my Pay it Forward card to the Youth Homes as part of the Run 4 Kids team fundraiser for the Missoula Marathon. I have been a part of the Run 4 Kids team for several years and am proud to have the opportunity to help this organization.

Youth Homes is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization that cares for children who are facing abuse, neglect, emotional trauma and substance abuse problems. Through their emergency shelters, therapeutic group homes, foster care and adoption programs and counseling services, they provide a safe refuge for kids while they begin the difficult process of healing. They show them compassion and teach them how to build healthy relationships. They help them trust again and give them the opportunities to build confidence and find happiness.

Thank you to the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation for the opportunity to Pay it Forward.

Bill Wyman

Washington Corporations


The 2022 pay it forward I received I elected to give to a needy family. As my wife is an elementary school teacher, she comes into contact with numerous families that have needs.

She indicated one particular single mom that is struggling financially. Her husband left her with two kids under 10, she works as a house cleaner so that she can be home when her kids are. If one is sick, she stays home and loses pay for that day, but it shows to me her family comes first.

She was very grateful to our family, as well as the Washington foundation for this gift. She indicated that it would help out tremendously with groceries and gas.

It was an honor to be chosen to distribute this.

Thank you

Edward Diaz



I want to start by thanking the Washington Companies for such a great effort to help others, Shriners Hospitals helps providing help to much needed children that have little or no way to pay for their hospital bill.
I also donated to St Jude hospital, is very important to me because no family should have to worry about money when the only thing they need to worry about is taking care of their children, I happen to know people who are bless with the help of these organizations.

Thanks for the support.

Svjetlan Krsic

Montana Resources


Using our giving card, we were able to buy and provide groceries, such as food and necessary toiletries, for three in-need families. These three families also had several young kids who we were able to provide for. These families were beyond thankful to receive this help that was provided by Pay It Forward. We feel extremely blessed and thankful that we were able to help and give back to members of our community.

Jim Lewis

Montana Rail Link


My family donated the 2022 Pay It Forward gift card to the Ronald McDonald house of Western Montana in Missoula. The Ronald McDonald house is a fantastic organization that supports families whose children are going through medical treatment and emergencies. We have a special place in our heart for the organization. 14 years ago our oldest son, who was 10 at the time, was diagnosed with cancer at Community Hospital in Missoula. The doctors instructed us to travel to Seattle Children's Hospital the next day. We arrived in Seattle with only a hotel reservation and no real plan for long-term living arrangements. The hospital directed us to the Ronald McDonald house who welcomed us for the next four months as our son received treatment. Their organization offers help to families in need and we will always be grateful for the hospitality and assistance in our time of need.

Steven Schmidt

Washington Corporations


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This year's donation went to the Missoula Chapter of the Future Farmer's of America (FFA):

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, through Agricultural Education. The students and faculty advisors self-manage a 100-acre farm in Missoula, which was established over 80 years ago. The Missoula FFA is one of the largest and most successful chapters in the state.

About 3 years ago, the Missoula FFA was granted the opportunity to build a meat processing facility that will further our students growth and knowledge utilizing "Farm to Market" techniques. This is the first ever of it's kind in the United States. This educational endeavor has been so successful they are expanding their state of the art meat processing and engineering lab, and the Pay It Forward donation is going towards that.

“Producing a workforce that's going to be valuable for our community. But then we're also producing a product. You know we produce about 30,000 pounds a year from this farm, you know that that goes a lot to feed in our community in addition to that we're producing beef for the school lunch program so we're producing a nice lean healthy local grown product that our students are able to eat, right here in the school lunch.” - Ag Education teacher Tom Andres

The "Schoolhouse Meats" project also donates meats processed at their facility to local food banks.

Joaquin Arriaga

Modern Machinery


I decided to donate to Community Doula Alliance. Diverse Doula Project is a community based doula program dedicated to creating spaces for diverse doulas, especially Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/x, Asian and other racially and linguistically diverse, underrepresented doulas, to reclaim, celebrate, and receive mentorship and emotional support to practice their cultural and traditional birth and postpartum models of care. Based on client requests and preferences, DDP matches expectant parents with culturally appropriate doulas to help families successfully navigate and mitigate social determinants of health such as racism, stress, poverty, education, employment, housing, and access to other culturally specific services.
I felt this was a good cause due to the fact that African American mothers are three times more likely to die and twice as likely to lose the baby. These odds change to the same as all others with the help of a doula. I am glad and thankful to have this opportunity to help make a difference.

Richard Harned

Montana Resources


One of our employees recently was deployed overseas. He had mentioned that they did not have the tools needed to make there task easier or the tools they had were of poor quality. I asked what they needed and to text a list of tools needed.I then purchased the tools and shipped them out. Soon after I received the Pay it Forward , I Though this would be a great way to show our support of a fellow coworker , someone who is part of our family here at Montana Resources , and to give support to our military serving our country.I fell Honored to have been able to use the Pay it Forward in this manner and I want to thank Washington Corp. for making this possible,This is a great program and I hope it continues far into the future.
Thank You and everyone involved in this program
Rich Harned

Tiffany Crawford

Montana Rail Link


I donated the Pay It Forward Card to the Missoula Humane Society. Thank you!

Jeremy Langendorff

Montana Rail Link


Similar to past years I have chosen once again to spread the money around to the community. I reside in the very small town of Bridger MT. Population 850 on a busy day. There are several organizations that have benefited with the assistance, with most of them starting programs based on their first donations a couple years ago. $200 was given to the Bridger Senior Center. Every year at christmas the senior center has a christmas shop for the youth in the community to purchase items as gifts for their loved ones. Prices range from .25 to $5 and all the items are donated. The seniors in turn help the kids wrap the presents, bake cookies, and supply coffee and hot coco. This event is a wonderful opportunity for a community that is largely in poverty. The money goes towards buying additional items to help fill the tables of items to buy, wrapping paper, and supplies. For the second year in a row, $150 was provided to the Bridger Library. The library holds a summer program for the youth in the community, focusing on different subjects every year. Last summer the subject was on insects. Helping institute a program that provides a key chain at the end of the year too every child that makes every weeks class. The key chain then allows them the rest of year to pick out a candy bar with every book that they check out. The money helps pay for the key chains and candy bars through the year. Lastly the remaining $150 is put towards buying food supplies towards holiday boxes at christmas. Including 12 leftover unclaimed turkeys from MRL christmas employee giving. My two oldest daughters help shop for the remaining food to fill the holiday boxes to provide a complete meal. Boxes are then distributed to various churches, police department, and food bank to hand out to those they feel are the most needing or deserving. This pay it forward program has become a wonderful gift to the community and a very rewarding experience to my entire family. So much so, that on years that we haven't received the donation from the Foundation, we still provide the same amounts to each community organizations on our own accord. On behalf of the Town of Bridger, Thank You so much for continuing to provide this exceptional opportunity of improvements and programs.

Shawn Neal



I donated the card to my local Marine Corps League Chapter, Detachment 1132 North Augusta, SC. This non-profit organizations does so much for the veterans and their families in the community, but that ability is based on the donations they receive from the community. This donation to assist the Spinal Cord Unit at the VA Medical Center in Augusta, GA, purchase gift cards to hand out when needed, and games for the Children's Hospital.

Jody Ryan

Montana Rail Link


My card was donated to the Whitehall, MT youth baseball association. They used it for baseball gear and training equipment.

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